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от Alexey Rochev
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Remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client

Tremotesf is a remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client. You can fully control your transmission-daemon instance, manage torrents, set Transmission settings, view server statistics.

You can add several servers profiles and switch between them (only one can be connected at a time). Tremotesf has support of HTTPS, including self-signed certificates and client certificate authentication. You can set mounted directories for servers and quickly open torrents' files and choose download directory from file dialog.

Изменения в версии 2.6.2

около 2 месяцев назад
(Собрано около 2 месяцев назад)
  • Сделано сообществом

    Это приложение открыто разрабатывается сообществом волонтёров и выпускается под GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Размер установки~3.32 MiB
Размер загрузки2.08 MiB
Доступные архитектурыaarch64, x86_64
Количество установок8 748