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Color Picker

от Christopher Davis
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Choose colors from the picker or the screen

Ever wanted to know the value of that color on your screen? Color Picker enables you to pick the color from any pixel on your screen. It also offers a palette, so that you can easily mix and match a couple of colors together.

When you have found the perfect combination of colors, naturally you want to save them. Color Picker allows you to conveniently save and retrieve colors.

Color Picker is a color selection dialog written in GTK 3. It is much alike Gcolor2, but uses the newer GTK version and other modernisations to better integrate into your modern desktop.

Изменения в версии 2.4.0

больше 3 лет назад
(Собрано больше 1 года назад)
  • Сделано сообществом

    Это приложение открыто разрабатывается сообществом волонтёров и выпускается под GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
Размер установки~413.5 KiB
Размер загрузки152.01 KiB
Доступные архитектурыx86_64, aarch64
Количество установок90 943

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