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от d-k-bo

Access German-language public TV

Televido (“Television” in Esperanto) lets you livestream, search, play and download media from German-language public television services. It is powered by APIs provided by the MediathekView project.

The presented content is provided directly by the respective television services, this program only facilitates finding and accessing the shows.

For video playback and download, Televido uses external programs that are installed on the user's system. Currently supported players: GNOME Videos (Totem), Celluloid, Clapper, Daikhan. Currently supported downloaders: Parabolic.

Изменения в версии 0.3.0

около 1 года назад
(Собрано около 1 месяца назад)
  • Сделано сообществом

    Это приложение открыто разрабатывается сообществом волонтёров и выпускается под GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Размер установки~10.98 MiB
Размер загрузки4.3 MiB
Доступные архитектурыaarch64, x86_64
Количество установок6 031