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Comic Sticks

per Ryan Koesters

Read xkcd: a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language

Comic Sticks brings xkcd comics to your desktop with quick comic searching, offline browsing, and intuitive keyboard shortcuts.


  • Search for comics
  • Keep track of comics with bookmarks
  • Cache comics for later offline viewing
  • Dark mode for late night reading
  • View comic metadata
  • Quickly access comic explainations via the explain xkcd wiki

Modificacions dins la version 1.7.1

fa mai d’un an
(Built fa 9 meses)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Talha installada~28.43 MiB
Talha del telecargament7.15 MiB
Arquitecturas disponiblasx86_64, aarch64
Installacions5 082