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per Flavio Tordini
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YouTube app

Watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube is not about cloning the YouTube website, it aims to create a new TV-like experience.

  1. <em>Light on your computer</em>. By consuming less CPU and less memory than a web browser, Minitube preserves battery life and keeps your laptop cool.
  2. <em>Great for kids!</em> Very easy to use and with filters for inappropriate content.
  3. <em>Channel subscriptions</em> Subscribe to YouTube channels and be notified of new videos. No need to login with a YouTube account: more privacy!
  4. <em>Stop fiddling</em> Just search for something. Minitube automatically plays videos one after another. Sit back and enjoy.

Canvis en la versió 3.9

fa gairebé 3 anys
(Built fa aproximadament un any)
  • No s'ha proporcionat cap registre de canvis
  • Construït per la comunitat

    Aquesta aplicació es desenvolupa en obert per una comunitat de voluntaris, i s'allibera sota GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Mida instal·lada~24.44 MiB
Mida de la baixada10.69 MiB
Arquitectures disponiblesx86_64, aarch64