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per Simon A. Eugster
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slowmoVideo is an OpenSource program that creates slow-motion videos from your footage.

But it does not simply make your videos play at 0.01x speed. You can smoothly slow down and speed up your footage, optionally with motion blur. How does slow motion work? slowmoVideo tries to find out where pixels move in the video (this information is called Optical Flow), and then uses this information to calculate the additional frames between the ones recorded by your camera.

Canvis en la versió v0.6

fa aproximadament 4 anys
(Built fa més d'un any)
  • No s'ha proporcionat cap registre de canvis
  • Construït per la comunitat

    Aquesta aplicació es desenvolupa en obert per una comunitat de voluntaris, i s'allibera sota GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
Mida instal·lada~60.65 MiB
Mida de la baixada21.16 MiB
Arquitectures disponiblesaarch64, x86_64