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طوَّره Q-Zandronum & Doomseeker team
لم يُتحقّق منه

A Zandronum 3.0 fork with improved netcode, configurable movement and many small tweaks

Q-Zandronum is a fork of Zandronum, a multiplayer oriented port, based off Skulltag, for Doom and Doom II by id Software. The main goal of the fork is to improve the QC:DE gameplay, but it can be used with other mods as well. The engine brings improved netcode, multiple Quality-of-Life improvements and new modding features.

In some scenarios, commercial data files are required to run the supported games. In other cases, it's possibly to automatically use Freedoom as a drop-in replacement. This package comes bundled with Doomseeker for easy installation and server browsing.

التغييرات في الإصدار 1.4.11

منذ 7 أشهر
(تاريخ إنشاء التصريفة منذ 5 أشهر)
  • بناها مجتمع

    يطوِّر متطوِّعون هذا التطبيق علنًا، وينشرونها وفق Sleepycat License.
حجمه بعد تثبيته~45.36 MiB
حجمه عند التنزيل20.11 MiB
البنيات المتوفِّرةx86_64