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طوَّره Thiago Lima de Sousa
لم يُتحقّق منه

MyFlutterCrypto is a cross-platform application that allows you to encrypt and decrypt texts in a simple way.

Quite simply, MyFlutterCrypto uses a keyword to scramble/unscramble the entered text, this keyword can be changed in the application's settings. Without the exact keyword it is not possible to unscramble text that has been scrambled before. Whenever the application is closed, the keyword goes back to its initial value, preventing them from discovering the keyword you use to scramble your texts.

Language support: English, italian, portuguese and spanish

If your device's language isn't Italian, Portuguese or Spanish, the app will load in English automatically.

التغييرات في الإصدار 1.0.20211018

منذ أكثر من سنتين
(تاريخ إنشاء التصريفة منذ أكثر من سنتين)
  • بناها مجتمع

    يطوِّر هذا التطبيق من قِبل المجتمع الدولي علنًا، وينشرونها وفق MIT License.
حجمه بعد تثبيته~20.61 MiB
حجمه عند التنزيل8.29 MiB
البنيات المتوفِّرةx86_64