Flathub Logo

3D physics game in which you control a blue ball of energy in an attempt to touch all glowing orbs

Find all the orbs in this challenging 3D physics game, using either mouse/keyboard or gamepad.

35 levels, including 15 tutorials, 7 "campaign" levels, 4 skateparks, 7 challenges, and 2 secrets.

Keep track of your fastest times and save replays.

在版本 1.0.4 中的變更

超过 1 年前
(建構於 超过 1 年前)
  • 未提供變更日誌
  • 社群建構

    此應用程式由志願者社群以開放的方式開發,並以 GNU General Public License v3.0 only 釋出。
安裝大小~27.74 MiB
下載大小17.13 MiB
可用的架構x86_64, aarch64