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Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella

JA2 Stracciatella Team

An improved, cross-platform, stable Jagged Alliance 2 runtime

Jagged Alliance 2 is a tactical turn-based role-playing game. The game takes place in the fictional country of Arulco, which has been ruled by the ruthless monarch Deidranna for several years. The player is put in control of hired mercenaries and with aid of local citizens and militia must reclaim Arulco's cities and ultimately defeat Deidranna.

The Jagged Alliance 2 Stracciatella runtime makes Jagged Alliance 2 available on a wide range of platforms, improves its stability, fixes bugs and provides a stable platform for mod development.

Data files from the original game are still required and will be used by JA2-Stracciatella.

在 0.21.0 版本中的更改

8 个月前
(构建于 7 个月前)
  • 专有

    该应用不是公开开发的,因此只有其开发人员知道它是如何工作的。 它可能存在难以察觉的不安全因素,也可能在没有监督的情况下发生变化。
安装后大小~64.8 MiB
下载大小20 MiB
可用架构aarch64, x86_64