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Frogatto & Friends

Frogatto Dev Team

An old-school 2D platform game

An old-school 2D platform game, starring a certain quixotic frog. Frogatto has gorgeous, high-end pixel art, pumping arcade tunes, and all the gameplay nuance of a classic console title. Run and jump over pits and enemies. Grab enemies with your tongue, swallow them, and then spit them out at other enemies as projectiles! Fight dangerous bosses, and solve vexing puzzles. Collect coins and use them to buy upgrades and new abilities in the store. Talk to characters in game, and work to unravel Big Bad Milgram's plot against the townsfolk!

在 1.3.1 版本中的更改

超过 11 年前
(构建于 2 个月前)
  • 未提供更改日志
  • 特殊许可证

    此应用在特殊许可证zlib License, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported下开发。
安装后大小~256.05 MiB
下载大小227.64 MiB
可用架构aarch64, x86_64