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Write down your thoughts

Marknote lets you create rich text notes and easily organise them into notebooks. You can personalise your notebooks by choosing an icon and accent color for each one, making it easy to distinguish between them and keep your notes at your fingertips. Your notes are saved as Markdown files in your Documents folder, making it easy to use your notes outside of Marknote as well as inside the app.

Ndryshime në versionin 1.1.1

rreth 2 muaj më parë
(Montuar 4 ditë më parë)
  • Montuar nga bashkësia

    Ky aplikacion është zhvilluar hapur, nga një bashkësi vullnetarësh dhe hedhur në qarkullim sipas GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
Madhësi Si I Instaluar~3.87 MiB
Madhësi Shkarkimi1.47 MiB
I Gatshëm Për Arkitekturax86_64, aarch64