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nga Zettlr
Zettlr's frontpage in dark mode

A Markdown editor for the 21st century

Writing is an essential part of our everyday life. Why make it complicated? Zettlr redefines what writing means. It is slim, fast, and versatile. Focus on what matters to you. Publish, not perish.

In modern times, getting a hold of the flood of information is almost as hard as inserting a USB drive the right way on the first attempt. Zettlr allows you to connect pieces of information using state of the art Zettelkasten methodology. Links? Check. File IDs? Check. File tagging? Also check. And the best is: Unlike many competitors, Zettlr never locks you in. Zettlr supports almost every conceivable way to create links and identify your files. In other words: No matter where you come from — all Zettelkästen are beautiful and supported by Zettlr. Out of the box.

Zettlr integrates well with reference managers such as Zotero, JabRef, or Juris-M. Simply load your library into Zettlr, and begin to cite. Zettlr strictly adheres to established standards and does not reinvent the wheel. Citations can be loaded using CSL-JSON or BibTex and the citation processor only uses Citation Style Language, the de-facto industry standard for citations. This enables you to use one of over 9,000 different styles from the official Zotero repository!

Due to its designing flexibility, Zettlr supports dark mode out of the box, as well as many different themes, suited to your needs. Switching is as easy as pressing a button. Not satisfied with the provided themes? No problem: Zettlr allows full customization of every single element; you can even create completely new themes using Custom CSS!

No matter whether you work with a lot of notes, such as a Zettelkasten, or simply have a lot of files with different important contents: Zettlr's revolutionary heatmap search lets you find every single note you've ever written. No more confusion over where that one citation was!

Twitter invented them and, since then, everybody adopted them: Hashtags! Zettlr goes one step further, not only allowing you to link and categorize your notes using tags, but using its tag-manager you can assign colors to tags to visualize your notes immediately!

Zettlr scales well with your aspirations. From the first texts in university to your dissertation thesis: Using the advanced features of Zettlr tailored to researchers, journalists, and novelists writing whole books is as easy as creating a new project. Zettlr will never stand in your way, just like a good app should.

Note: In order to be able to export to PDF via LaTeX you need to additionally install the extension org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.texlive

Ndryshime në versionin 3.1.1

29 ditë më parë
(Montuar 6 ditë më parë)
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    Ky aplikacion është zhvilluar hapur, nga një bashkësi vullnetarësh dhe hedhur në qarkullim sipas GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
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I Gatshëm Për Arkitekturax86_64, aarch64
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