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AssaultCube Reloaded

door AssaultCube Reloaded Task Force
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First-person-shooter game

The game offers fast paced gameplay just like its predecessor AssaultCube. Improvements over the original game include:

  • New, diverse game modes and mutators
  • Many new and different weapons
  • More realistic gameplay: damage fading over distance, bleeding, drowning
  • Ricochet shots (bouncing bullets)
  • Chat easily visible, separated from the main console
  • Less potential cheats (more server-sided code)
  • Better voting system: ignore neutral votes, veto admin votes after second press
  • Improved radar showing explosions and shotlines
  • Killfeed making it easy to see kills
  • Spawn enqueue/dequeue—no need to spam the spawn button

Wijzigingen in versie v2.18.2

meer dan 3 jaar geleden
(24 dagen geleden gebouwd)
  • Gemaakt door gemeenschap

    Deze app is in het open­baar ont­wikkeld door een inter­nationale gemeen­schap en vrij­gegeven onder de zlib License.
    Betrokken raken
Geïnstalleerde grootte~109.4 MiB
Download­grootte87.93 MiB
Beschik­bare architecturenaarch64, x86_64
Aantal installaties525