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arendajalt Dimitry Polivaev

Mind Mapping, Knowledge Management, Project Management. Develop, organize and communicate your ideas and knowledge in the most effective way

Application for Mind Mapping, Knowledge Management, Project Management. Develop, organize and communicate your ideas and knowledge in the most effective way.

Freeplane is a free and open source software application that supports thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The software can be used for mind mapping and analyzing the information contained in mind maps.

Muutused versioonis 1.11.6

9 kuu eest
(Pakendatud 9 kuu eest)
  • Muudatuste logi on lisamata
  • Kogukonna poolt arendatud rakendus

    Seda rakendust arendatakse avatud meetodil kogukonna poolt ning ta on avaldatud järgneva(te) litsentsi(de) alusel: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
Paigaldatud suurus~235.29 MiB
Allalaaditud suurus110.02 MiB
Saadaval arhitektuuridx86_64, aarch64
Paigaldusi42 837