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Photogrammetry designed with a focus on aerial video

TeleSculptor is a cross-platform desktop application for photogrammetry. It was designed with a focus on aerial video, such as video collected from UAVs, and handles geospatial coordinates and can make use of metadata, if available, from GPS and IMU sensors. However, the software can also work with non-geospatial data and with collections of images instead of metadata. TeleSculptor uses Structure-from-Motion techniques to estimate camera parameters as well as a sparse set of 3D landmarks. It uses Multiview Stereo techniques to estimate dense depth maps on key frame and then fuses those depth maps into a consistent surface mesh which can be colored from the source imagery.

1.2.0 Versiyada dəyişikliklər

2 ildən çox əvvəl
(Built 1 ildən çox əvvəl)
  • Dəyişiklik qeydləri təmin edilməyib
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by a community of volunteers, and released under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
    Get involved
Quraşdırılmış Ölçü~1.26 GiB
Yükləmə Ölçüsü397.42 MiB
Mövcud Arxitekturalarx86_64