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TigerJython IDE

TigerJython is a free development environment for the Python programming language. If you want to learn programming, this is the tool for you. It already includes everything you need to start programming right away.

For all versions we guarantee not to change or spy your software.

2.39 Versiyada dəyişikliklər

5 ay əvvəl
(Built 4 ay əvvəl)
  • Dəyişiklik qeydləri təmin edilməyib
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by a community of volunteers, and released under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
    Get involved
Quraşdırılmış Ölçü~322.87 MiB
Yükləmə Ölçüsü183.01 MiB
Mövcud Arxitekturalaraarch64, x86_64