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A simple but challenging futuristic puzzle game!

TetraSwap is a futuristic puzzle game available on phone, tablet and computer. The game is composed of a board made of several colored squares (2 to 4 colors) as well as colored tokens and a gray token, the goal of the game being to place all the tokens on their corresponding colored squares, it could seem easy but think again! Because the only way to move them is to use the grey chip, which is complicated to master.

There are 3 game modes: Classic: Possessing 144 levels (can increase with updates), with various game mechanics introduced over the levels. Random: The game randomly generates a board with a defined number of squares and colors. Daily: Take on daily challenges and try to beat your friends in the leaderboard. For fans of customization, the game has 6 token designs, 6 backgrounds, and for music lovers a set of 5 tunes each with a defined background. The game also has a cross-device synchronization system and an online leaderboard powered by an Eclipium account.

Cambiamenti nella versione 1.4

più di un anno fa
(Costruito più di un anno fa)
  • Nessun registro delle modifiche fornito
  • Proprietaria

    Questa app non è open source, quindi solo i suoi sviluppatori sanno come funziona. Potrebbe essere insicuro in modi difficili da rilevare e potrebbe cambiare senza supervisione.
Dimensione Installata~478.64 MiB
Dimensione Download83.47 MiB
Architetture Disponibilix86_64