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FileBot rename frontend

The ultimate TV and Movie Renamer

FileBot is the ultimate tool for renaming and organizing your movies, TV shows and Anime. Match and rename media files against online databases, download artwork and cover images, fetch subtitles, write metadata, and more, all at once in matter of seconds. It's smart and just works.

NOTE: This application is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Point Planck Limited.

Cambiamenti nella versione 5.1.3

4 mesi fa
(Costruito 4 mesi fa)
  • Proprietaria

    Questa app non è open source, quindi solo i suoi sviluppatori sanno come funziona. Potrebbe essere insicuro in modi difficili da rilevare e potrebbe cambiare senza supervisione.
Dimensione Installata~321.51 MiB
Dimensione Download110.24 MiB
Architetture Disponibiliaarch64, x86_64
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