Lychee Slicer

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A powerful and versatile Slicer for Resin and Filament 3D Printers

With Lychee Slicer, you get the best companion to prepare 3D models for your Resin and Filament 3D Printers. Get access to many features to create a tailored and smooth workflow that fits your needs! Lychee Slicer is easy to use and provides powerful tools in an elegant and intuitive interface. Always be at the edge of 3D Printing with Lychee Slicer!

NOTE: This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Mango3D

Cambiamenti nella versione 5.4.3

6 mesi fa
(Costruito 5 mesi fa)
  • Proprietaria

    Questa app non è open source, quindi solo i suoi sviluppatori sanno come funziona. Potrebbe essere insicuro in modi difficili da rilevare e potrebbe cambiare senza supervisione.
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Dimensione Installata~119.59 MiB
Dimensione Download114.57 MiB
Architetture Disponibilix86_64
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