da Matthias Klumpp

View and record videos from UCLA Miniscopes

PoMiDAQ is a recording software for UCLA Miniscopes for neuroscientific research. It provides an easy way to record videos from Miniscopes, create Z-stacks to give an overview of visible cells or tissue features and provides an online background subtraction feature to gain an initial insight into cellular calcium activity while data is recorded. Recorded data is encoded with the FFV1 codec by default, to allow for smaller, lossless video files that are safe to archive.

The software is designed to work with the latest OpenCV libraries and provides a shared library, so Miniscope recording features can easily be embedded into other programs and pipelines. PoMiDAQ will work with Miniscope V3, V4 and the Siminiscope hardware using the standard DAQ box v3.2.

Cambiamenti nella versione 0.5.1

9 mesi fa
(Costruito 9 mesi fa)
  • Costruito dalla comunità

    Questa app è sviluppata liberamente da una comunità di volontari e rilasciata con GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later.
    Mettersi in gioco
Dimensione Installata~33.68 MiB
Dimensione Download10.7 MiB
Architetture Disponibilix86_64, aarch64
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