
da Librum-Reader

A modern e-book reader and library manager

Librum is an application designed to make reading enjoyable and straightforward for everyone.

It's not just an e-book reader. With Librum, you can manage your own online library and access it from any device, anytime, anywhere. It supports all common book formats (pdf, epub and many more), offers different themes and many other features while offering customization to make it as personal as you want!

Cambiamenti nella versione 0.12.2

circa un mese fa
(Costruito circa un mese fa)
  • Nessun registro delle modifiche fornito
  • Costruito dalla comunità

    Questa app è sviluppata liberamente da una comunità di volontari e rilasciata con GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
    Mettersi in gioco
Dimensione Installata~62.44 MiB
Dimensione Download40.93 MiB
Architetture Disponibiliaarch64, x86_64