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oleh Santiago González

Circuit simulator

SimulIDE is a simple real time electronic circuit simulator, intended for hobbyist or students to learn and experiment with analog and digital electronic circuits and microcontrollers. It supports PIC, AVR , Arduino and other MCUs and MPUs.

Simulation speed is one of the most relevant characteristics of this simulator. It has been deeply optimized to achieve excellent speeds and low cpu usage.

SimulIDE also features a code Editor and Debugger for Arduino, GcBasic, PIC asm, AVR asm and others. It is possible to write, compile and do basic debugging with breakpoints, watch registers and global variables.


  • Analog and Digital components
  • Microcontrollers
  • Code Editor
  • Debugger
  • Subcircuits
  • DIP/Logic Symbols
  • Circuit Animation
  • Basic Shapes
  • Oscilloscope
  • Logic Analyzer
  • Serial Port Connection
  • Serial Monitor

Perubahan pada versi 1.1.0

sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu
(Dibangun 29 hari yang lalu)
  • Dibangun oleh komunitas

    Aplikasi ini dikembangkan secara terbuka oleh komunitas sukarelawan, dan dirilis di bawah GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
    Ikut terlibat
Ukuran Terpasang~43.38 MiB
Ukuran Unduh13 MiB
Arsitektur yang Tersediaaarch64, x86_64