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PlayOnLinux 4

oleh The PlayOnLinux Authors

Graphical front-end for Wine

PlayOnLinux will allow you to run your favorite Windows games and applications on Linux through Wine easily.

New users can often find Wine to be intimidating and difficult to use. PlayOnLinux simplifies much of this and makes installing and using Windows programs easier.

PlayOnLinux has the database of Windows applications from which the user can install desired application with a few clicks. It will automatically setup your Wine prefix and download any required Windows libraries.

Perubahan pada versi 4.4

hampir 4 tahun yang lalu
(Dibangun 17 hari yang lalu)
  • Tidak ada changelog yang disediakan
  • Dibangun oleh komunitas

    Aplikasi ini dikembangkan secara terbuka oleh komunitas sukarelawan, dan dirilis di bawah GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
    Ikut terlibat
Ukuran Terpasang~639.25 MiB
Ukuran Unduh209.73 MiB
Arsitektur yang Tersediax86_64