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System lets you be part of the magic that keeps your computer humming!

System glows and hums with enchanting activity. Launch System and peek behind the screen to see how to change your cursor to a wedge of cheese!

For the best experience, enjoy System as part of Hack episodes with your friends in the Clubhouse guiding you through its features.

Promjene u verziji 1.1

prije preko 4 godine
(Built prije preko 1 godinu)
  • Nema promjena
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v2.0 only.
    Get involved
Veličina instalacije~13.81 MiB
Veličina preuzimanja13.09 MiB
Dostupne arhitekturex86_64, aarch64