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od Tender Owl

Continuous text editor

Imagine a hassle-free text-writing experience. Don't worry about saving files, complex markup, or accidentally deleted notes.

Do what you want to do - concentrate on beautiful stories, short notes, or inspired scripts. Norka cares about you.

  • All your notes are stored inside.
  • Magically saved at any moment.
  • Easily exportable to HTML, Docx, and even PDF in one click.
  • If you need markup - use markdown, it's easy as pie.
  • Don't like the default theme - choose differently.

Promjene u verziji 1.1.0

prije oko 1 godinu
(Built prije oko 1 godinu)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the MIT License.
    Get involved
Veličina instalacije~16.73 MiB
Veličina preuzimanja5.11 MiB
Dostupne arhitektureaarch64, x86_64

Druge aplikacije od Tender Owl