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par Sjoerd Broekhuijsen

Read and analyze GISAXS data stored in cbf format

GIScan is a simple tool to open and analyze data stored in cbf (Crystallographic Binary Format) files. While GIScan is primarily developed with the analyis of GISAXS data in mind, as obtained by the P03 beamline of PETRA III at the DESY Synchrotron in Hamburg, Germany, it should be compatible with any arbitrary cbf data.

GIScan handles raw data directly and doesn't need any a-priori data reduction. It supports features such as background subtraction, line scans along the Qy and Qz axis, detection of the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of diffraction peaks and coordinate conversion from pixels to reciprocal or angular space.

GIScan is mostly developed with the analysis of multilayers in mind but can be used for any arbitrary data stored in cbf format. If a beamline or datatype (be it GISAXS or GISANS) is not supported and you would like to use this tool, please submit an issue on the Github page so this can be arranged.

Changements dans la version 1.1.6

il y a environ 1 an
(Construit il y a environ 1 an)
  • Construit par la communauté

    Ce logiciel est développé de manière ouverte par une communauté de bénévoles, et publié sous GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Taille installée~413.09 MiB
Taille du téléchargement144.38 MiB
Architectures disponiblesx86_64, aarch64
Installations1 432
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