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par Unvanquished Development

Fast paced, first person strategy game

Unvanquished is a real-time strategy game played as a first-person shooter where evolving aliens and heavily armed humans fight for their survival. Become a marine, handle your big weapon and dress that impressive exoskeleton to save the human race like a boss. Or if you prefer, be a monstrous beast and save those cute grangers from those two-legged invaders who only know how to turn beautiful organic equilibrium into lifeless machines and dead concreted worlds.

Changements dans la version 0.54.1

il y a 5 mois
(Construit il y a 5 mois)
  • Construit par la communauté

    Ce logiciel est développé de manière ouverte par une communauté de bénévoles, et publié sous MIT License, GNU General Public License v3.0 or later, zlib License, BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.
Taille installée~451.89 MiB
Taille du téléchargement446.06 MiB
Architectures disponiblesx86_64
Installations10 404
Étiquettes :