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par Fabrik19 AG

Used for mobile app development with Mobility Suite mos.

mos.launcher is part of the mobile app development platform Mobility Suite mos., offered by Fabrik19 AG. This comprehensive suite enables you to create cross-platform native applications using a low-code approach. mos.launcher is used to serve the configuration of your development projects through its integrated server.

Use the mos.viewer app (available through Apple App Store and Google Play Store) to scan the QR code provided by mos.launcher to see your development progress in real-time. Additionally, mos.viewer offers small snippets of different parts and modules and explains more complex concepts to show the platform's potential. Furthermore, you can accelerate your mobile app development process by leveraging the publically available pre-built templates available through GitHub.

More information on mobilitysuite.de

Changements dans la version 2.4.0

il y a 6 mois
(Construit il y a 4 mois)
  • Propriétaire

    Ce logiciel n'est pas développé de manière ouverte, de sorte que seuls ses développeurs savent comment il fonctionne. Il peut présenter des failles de sécurité difficiles à détecter et être modifié sans contrôle.
Taille installée~89.63 MiB
Taille du téléchargement38.89 MiB
Architectures disponiblesaarch64, x86_64
Installations1 501
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