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Learn with visual programming

This app is a great way for kids to learn how to program while learning other disciplines and having a lot of fun! Create interactive drawings, stories, models and games with a drag-and-drop interface that helps to prevent syntax errors that are often frustrating to new learners. This app encourages curiosity and exploration, and can be used to create anything from simple drawings to complex models of the physical world. While originally designed for students who are 8 - 13 years old, teachers have found that this app has helped students of all ages, from young learners to college-aged students alike!

تغییرات در نگارش 5.0.2408

نزدیک 12 سال قبل
(نزدیک 3 سال قبل ساخته شده)
  • هیچ تغییراتی ارائه نشده
  • ساخته شده به دست اجتماع

    این کاره به صورت آزاد به دست اجتماعی از داوطلبان توسعه یافته و با پروانهٔ Apache License 2.0, MIT License منتشر شده.
    درگیر شدن
اندازهٔ نصب شده~29.79 MiB
اندازهٔ بارگیری18.88 MiB
معماری‌های موجودx86_64, aarch64