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به دست Remigiusz Dybka
تأیید نشده

Puzzle game where the player has to arrange balls in triplets.

Zaz (Zaz ain't Z***) is a game where the player has to get rid of incoming balls by arranging them in triplets. The idea of the game is loosely based on games like Luxor, Zuma and Puzzle Bobble. The twists that make Zaz stand out from other games of this type are that the balls have to be picked from the path (insted of being randomly assigned for the player) and that the player's "vehicle" is also attached to a path which is different from level to level.

تغییرات در نگارش 1.0.1

بیشتر از 3 سال قبل
(بیشتر از 1 سال قبل ساخته شده)
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    این کاره به صورت آزاد به دست اجتماعی از داوطلبان توسعه یافته و با پروانهٔ GNU General Public License v3.0 or later منتشر شده.
    درگیر شدن
اندازهٔ نصب شده~23.11 MiB
اندازهٔ بارگیری20.37 MiB
معماری‌های موجودx86_64, aarch64