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به دست Henri Wahl

The status monitor for the desktop

Nagstamon is a status monitor for the desktop. It connects to multiple Nagios, Icinga, Opsview, Centreon, Op5 Monitor/Ninja, Check_MK Multisite and Thruk monitoring servers. It resides in systray, as a floating statusbar or fullscreen at the desktop showing a brief summary of critical, warning, unknown, unreachable and down hosts and services. It pops up a detailed status overview when being touched by the mouse pointer. Connections to displayed hosts and services are easily established by context menu via SSH, RDP, VNC or any self defined actions. Users can be notified by sound. Hosts and services can be filtered by category and regular expressions.

تغییرات در نگارش 3.14.0

2 ماه قبل
(11 روز قبل ساخته شده)
  • ساخته شده به دست اجتماع

    این کاره به صورت آزاد به دست اجتماعی از داوطلبان توسعه یافته و با پروانهٔ GNU General Public License v2.0 only منتشر شده.
    درگیر شدن
اندازهٔ نصب شده~58.6 MiB
اندازهٔ بارگیری17.71 MiB
معماری‌های موجودaarch64, x86_64