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The Legend of Edgar

af Parallel Realities

2D Adventure Platform Game

The Legend of Edgar is a 2D platform game. Your hero must save his dad from the hands of the evil sorcerer. To help Edgar in his mission you must to walk around a big world, solve puzzles and kill a lot of powerful enemies.

A great adventure awaits for you!

Ændring i version 1.36

over 1 år siden
(Built 5 måneder siden)
  • Bygget af fællesskabet

    Denne software er udviklet i det fri af et fællesskab af frivillige og udgivet under GNU General Public License v2.0 only.
    Bliv involveret
Installeret størrelse~126.69 MiB
Overførslens størrelse123.07 MiB
Tilgængelige arkitekturerx86_64, aarch64