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af Duke University Computer Science Department

Formal languages testing

JFLAP is software for experimenting with formal languages topics including nondeterministic finite automata, nondeterministic pushdown automata, multi-tape Turing machines, several types of grammars, parsing, and L-systems. In addition to constructing and testing examples for these, JFLAP allows one to experiment with construction proofs from one form to another, such as converting an NFA to a DFA to a minimal state DFA to a regular expression or regular grammar.

NOTE: This Flatpak is unofficial and not supported by JFLAP developers. Find officially supported jar files on jflap.org.

Ændring i version 7.1

næsten 6 år siden
(Built 6 måneder siden)
  • Ingen ændringslog angivet
  • Proprietær

    Denne software er ikke udviklet i det fri, så kun dens udviklere ved, hvordan det fungerer. Det kan være usikkert på måder, der er svært at opdage, og det kan ændre sig uden tilsyn.
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Installeret størrelse~177.36 MiB
Overførslens størrelse61.15 MiB
Tilgængelige arkitektureraarch64, x86_64