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af Petr Kovář
Light theme screenshot

Work with Ollama from GUI

You need Ollama running on your localhost with some model. Once Ollama is running the model can be pulled from follamac or from command line. From command line type something like: ollama pull llama3 If you wish to pull from follamac you can write llama3 into "Model name to pull" input box and click the PULL button.

Follamac is a desktop application which provides convenient way to work with Ollama and large language models (LLMs) and provides these features:

  • pulling/deleting models
  • sending prompts to Ollama (chat or generate)
  • selecting role for a message in the chat mode and possibility to send a system message with the generate mode - basic options (temperature, threads)
  • basic info about selected model
  • code highlighting
  • multiple chats
  • editing/deleting chats
  • editing/deleting messages
  • copy code or whole message to clipboard
  • light and dark theme (defaults to the system setting)

Ændring i version 0.1.5

21 dage siden
(Built 19 dage siden)
  • Ingen ændringslog angivet
  • Bygget af fællesskabet

    Denne software er udviklet i det fri af et fællesskab af frivillige og udgivet under MIT License.
    Bliv involveret
Installeret størrelse~301.04 MiB
Overførslens størrelse108.8 MiB
Tilgængelige arkitekturerx86_64, aarch64