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af Jackson Huff

Cut, copy, and paste anything, anytime, anywhere

The Clipboard Project is your new second brain. This is an advanced clipboard manager that's super easy to use. Cut, copy and paste anything, anytime, anywhere with unlimited capacity, clipboards, and history! Script CB to work superbly with your other favorite terminal tools. Integrate it with your existing system clipboards. Save time and effort the easy way.

You can use CB from the desktop to monitor your clipboard status in real time. To use CB from the terminal, do "flatpak run app.getclipboard.Clipboard". If you'd like to use the command "cb" instead, do "alias cb='flatpak run app.getclipboard.Clipboard'" to make a shortcut. Then, add that to your terminal startup file like .bashrc so that it works every time.

Ændring i version 0.8.3

7 måneder siden
(Built 7 måneder siden)
  • Ingen ændringslog angivet
  • Bygget af fællesskabet

    Denne software er udviklet i det fri af et fællesskab af frivillige og udgivet under GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
    Bliv involveret
Installeret størrelse~1.93 MiB
Overførslens størrelse1.05 MiB
Tilgængelige arkitektureraarch64, x86_64