Package Transporter

Transfer your applications across installations

Package Transporter is an utility to help you transfer your workspace from one installation to another. The application currently only feature baking up flatpak applications. Therefore it should not be use for production but only for testing and feedbacks 🙂️

Upcoming features :

  • Restoring a privious flatpak backup
  • Supporting other package formats (DNF/RPM, APT)

گۆڕانکارییەکان لە وەشانی 0.1.1

10 مانگپێش ئێستا
(Built 10 مانگپێش ئێستا)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
    Get involved
Installed Size~343.5 KiB
Download Size152.31 KiB
Available Architecturesx86_64, aarch64