
لەلایەن José Miguel Fonte

Color logs based on tags

Create tags with color schemes and give color to your logs or text files


  • Load tags
  • Save tags
  • Remove all tags
  • Open new window
  • User defined line numbering color scheme
  • Simple tags based on string containing a pattern
  • Support for regular expressions
  • Case sensitive support
  • Automic load tags file when opening a file and a similarly named file with added .tags extension exists
  • Navigate through similarly tagged lines with ease

گۆڕانکارییەکان لە وەشانی 1.1

5 مانگپێش ئێستا
(Built 5 مانگپێش ئێستا)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the MIT License.
    Get involved
Installed Size~182 KiB
Download Size58.14 KiB
Available Architecturesx86_64, aarch64