Voxel Paint Pro

لەلایەن James William Fletcher
Voxel Paint Pro Screenshot

Paint in 3D using pixel Voxels

Mouse locks when you click on the game window, press ESCAPE to unlock the mouse.

  • W,A,S,D = Move around based on relative orientation to X and Y.
  • SPACE + L-SHIFT = Move up and down relative Z.
  • Left Click / R-SHIFT = Place node.
  • Right Click / R-CTRL = Delete node.
  • Tab = Teleports you from colour palette to last position and vice-versa.
  • Q / Middle Click / Mouse4 = Clone texture of pointed node.
  • E / Mouse5 = Replace pointed node.
  • R = Places node at your current position.
  • F = Toggle player fast speed on and off.
  • 1-7 = Change move speed for selected fast state.
  • X + C / Slash + Quote = Change texture of pointed node.
  • G = Gravity on/off.
  • P = Toggle pitch lock.
  • F1 = Resets environment state back to default.
  • F3 = Save. (auto saves on exit or idle for more than 3 minutes)
  • F8 = Load. (will erase what you have done since the last save)
  • F10 = Export the VoxelPaint data to a zip file in $HOME/EXPORTS.
  • Middle Mouse Click and Drag or Mouse4 and Drag (or Q and drag) to select area.
  • V = Copies the selected nodes to the currently pointed position, the point you started the selection from is the point you will copy from at the new pointed location.
  • T = Copies the selected nodes to the currently pointed position, but each time you press T it will iterate one of 24 rotations.
  • Y = Shoots an array of the selected nodes in the direction you are facing in 24 different rotations. Pick the one you want.
  • B = Fill selected nodes with selected color.
  • N = Delete selected nodes.

Arrow Keys can be used to move the view around.

Your state is automatically saved on exit.

Sensitivity as the 1st command line parameter default is 0.003 `./voxelpaintpro 0.003`.

گۆڕانکارییەکان لە وەشانی 1.2.3

9 مانگپێش ئێستا
(Built 3 مانگپێش ئێستا)
  • No changelog provided
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v2.0 only.
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Installed Size~1.17 MiB
Download Size1.09 MiB
Available Architecturesx86_64, aarch64