
لەلایەن Keshav Bhatt

Torrent Search Engine

TorrHunt is a secure torrent browser and search-engine, which lets you Browse and Search millions of torrents from web with its simple to use unique interface.

  • Browse Latest torrents
  • Browse Today's top torrents
  • Browse Week's top torrents
  • Browse Month's top torrents
  • Filter torrents based on different categories
  • Search torrents from millions of indexed torrents
  • Sort search results based on seeders, leechers, size and age etc
  • Get Torrent Magnet
  • Open Torrents directly to your favourite torrent client
  • Compatible with all major torrent client including: Orion Torrent Client, utorrent, KTorrent, qBittorrent, Deluge, Transmission etc.

گۆڕانکارییەکان لە وەشانی 1.6

4 مانگپێش ئێستا
(Built دەوروبەری 2 مانگپێش ئێستا)
  • Proprietary

    This app is not developed in the open, so only its developers know how it works. It may be insecure in ways that are hard to detect, and it may change without oversight.
    Learn more
Installed Size~53.24 MiB
Download Size20.96 MiB
Available Architecturesx86_64