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Michael Hammer কর্তৃক বিকশিত
Info page for the Aboleth monster

View DnD information in style

Libellus lets you browse and read DnD 5th edition information like a wiki / lexicon. The basic navigation is tab-based, so multiple pages can be viewed at the same time. There is a basic search / filter system. The data is stored locally, images are downloaded.

Libellus currently supports Classes, Races, Spells, Magic Items, Equipment, and Monsters

1.0.4-এ যা কিছু পরিবর্তিত

১ দিন আগে
(Built ১ দিন আগে)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
    Get involved
ইন্সটলের পর সাইজ~5.54 MiB
ডাউনলোড সাইজ2.04 MiB
উপলব্ধ আর্কিটেকচারসমূহx86_64, aarch64
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