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Toby Suggate কর্তৃক বিকশিত
Main screen

A Git client designed for humans

Here's where GitFiends at feature-wise and what's coming up next.

  • Git basics: Instant refresh, glance-able overview of repo state, clone, init, fetch, auto-fetch, push, pull, stage and commit
  • Stashing: Stashing, un-stashing, stashing of selected files, hunks and specific lines
  • Branching: Merge, switch, create, delete and compare in branches view
  • Tags
  • Remotes: Add, remove or select which remote to pull and push to
  • Resolve merge conflicts: Select specific files, hunks or lines to include. Lines can be rearranged
  • Undo: Undo un-pushed commits. Revert commits
  • Cherry-pick
  • Filter commits: Filter commits by branch or user
  • History for a specific file: Apply a file filter and navigate through all commits with changes for that file
  • Search: Quickly search through history for code, commits, messages, users and branches.
  • Git submodules/multi-repo: Preview feature. Open a folder of repos, see the status of each and run bulk actions such as fetch/pull/push and create branch.

0.44.3-এ যা কিছু পরিবর্তিত

৮ মাস আগে
(Built ৩ মাস আগে)
  • কোন চেঞ্জলগ প্রদান করা হয়নি
  • মালিকানাধীন

    This app is not developed in the open, so only its developers know how it works. It may be insecure in ways that are hard to detect, and it may change without oversight.
ইন্সটলের পর সাইজ~106.14 MiB
ডাউনলোড সাইজ99.76 MiB
উপলব্ধ আর্কিটেকচারসমূহaarch64, x86_64
ট্যাগ সমূহ: