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Dave Gnukem

David Joffe কর্তৃক বিকশিত

Retro-style 2D scrolling platform shooter

Dave Gnukem is a retro-style 2D scrolling platform shooter similar to, and inspired by, Duke Nukem 1 (~1991). While the original Duke Nukem 1 had 16-color EGA 320x200 graphics; the aim here is 'similar but different' gameplay and 'look and feel'. It is kind of a parody of the original. Please note it is not a 'clone', and not a 're-make'.

1.0.3-এ যা কিছু পরিবর্তিত

১ বছরের বেশি আগে
(Built ১ বছরের বেশি আগে)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the MIT License.
    Get involved
ইন্সটলের পর সাইজ~23.57 MiB
ডাউনলোড সাইজ19.52 MiB
উপলব্ধ আর্কিটেকচারসমূহaarch64, x86_64
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