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ад Dimitris Papaioannou

Low level control GUI for PipeWire

coppwr is a tool that provides low level control over the PipeWire multimedia server. It aims to expose and provide as many ways to inspect and control the many components of the PipeWire multimedia server as possible. It can be used as a diagnostic tool for PipeWire and to help develop software that interacts with it.


  • Node graph editing
  • Object inspection, creation and destruction
  • Process monitoring and profiler statistics
  • Metadata editing
  • Module loading
  • Connecting to XDG Desktop Portal remotes

Змены ў версіі 1.5.1

3 месяцы таму
(Сабрана 3 месяцы таму)
  • Створана супольнасцю

    Гэтая праграма адкрыта распрацоўваецца супольнасцю валанцёраў і выпускаецца пад GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
Усталяваны памер~19.05 MiB
Памер спампоўкі7.73 MiB
Даступныя архітэктурыx86_64, aarch64
Усталёвак10 444