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ад Bram Moolenaar et al.

The ubiquitous text editor

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems.

Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It is not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

Змены ў версіі v9.1.0274

18 дзён таму
(Сабрана 17 дзён таму)
  • Створана супольнасцю

    Гэтая праграма адкрыта распрацоўваецца супольнасцю валанцёраў і выпускаецца пад Vim License.
Усталяваны памер~41.13 MiB
Памер спампоўкі14.27 MiB
Даступныя архітэктурыx86_64, aarch64
Усталёвак60 215