
da Valve Corporation
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The main Steam library window

Launcher for the Steam software distribution service

Steam is a software distribution service with an online store, automated installation, automatic updates, achievements, SteamCloud synchronized savegame and screenshot functionality, and many social features.

Note: This is a community package of Steam gaming plaform not officially supported by Valve. Report bugs through linked issue tracker.

Note: To add a game library on another drive, first you need to grant the app access to it:

flatpak override --user --filesystem=/path/to/your/Steam/Library com.valvesoftware.Steam

Cambiamenti nella versione

4 mesi fa
(Costruito circa 2 mesi fa)
  • Nessun registro delle modifiche fornito
  • Proprietaria

    Questa app non è open source, quindi solo i suoi sviluppatori sanno come funziona. Potrebbe essere insicuro in modi difficili da rilevare e potrebbe cambiare senza supervisione.
Dimensione Installata~43.43 MiB
Dimensione Download20.27 MiB
Architetture Disponibilix86_64
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